Process of making a T-shirt design


A lot of work goes into the design of a shirt. Every process, for every designer is different. I’m a fan of transparency and learning, and hopefully this will give you glimpse of what goes into some of our sketches and shirts. To make this fairly simple, I’ve made it into a series of timelapses for you to enjoy.

In this example here, you actually see a fair bit of my sketching process. I also use a lot the different items I sketch on. I simply copy them over to different documents or export parts in the process. You’ll also see how difficult it is to settle on a final draft at times..


These are just a few of the sketchings and videos I’ve exported as part of the process. I usually use pen and paper in combination with Procreate on an ipad, and do the finishing touches on Adobe Photoshop, before it goes to print.